There are few things as important as your health. The healthcare system in the United States may seem complicated, confusing, and overwhelming. It is important to maintain good health, both physically and mentally. Regardless of your income, there are services available to you.
PA Department of Health Hotline
Marriage Counseling via the internet to people throughout the United States
Child Dental Clinics
Hill District, Lawrenceville, McKeesport, Mt. Oliver
Age 2 to 21
Clinic schedules vary
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
3705 Fifth Ave.
Falk Clinic
3601 Fifth Ave.
HIV Testing and Counseling
3441 Forbes Ave. in Oakland, 2nd Floor
By appointment
Immunization Clinic
3441 Forbes Ave. in Oakland
Hours are Monday, Tuesday, Friday 9:00- 4:00
Wednesday 1:00- 4:00
Thursday 9:00-8:00
This walk-in clinic is free or low-cost and provides vaccinations for children and adults as well vaccinations for foreign travel.
Magee-Womens Hospital
Forbes Ave. at Halket
Primary Care Clinics
Comprehensive health services
Fees vary according to income
Call for hours
UPMC South Pittsburgh: 412-432-1600
Children's at Turtle Creek: 412-823-3121
Wilkinsburg Family Health Care Center: 412-247-5216
Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic
3441 Forbes Ave. in Oakland, 1st Floor
Monday, Tuesday, Friday 9:00 - 4:00
Wednesday 1:00- 4:00
Thursday 9:00-8:00
No appointment needed, Free and confidential
UMPC Health System
200 Lothrop Street
United Cerebral Palsy Center
4638 Centre Ave.
University Dental Care
200 North Craig St.
VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System
University Drive

Plastic Surgery
Cosmetic Surgery
Weight Loss